Forms An Elevator Pitch Can Take
The classic
Elevator Pitch is delivered in spoken form. However, the basic
flow and logic of your Elevator Pitch should be consistent with
your other marketing pieces.
Summary Sentence
Every piece of sales and marketing collateral that you create,
regardless of whether it is being used to sell a deal or a
product, should contain a one-sentence description (c. 15-30
words) of your venture. Of course, this one-sentence description
should be in sync with your Elevator Pitch.
One Paragraph Summary
As you progress, you will need a one-paragraph summary (c. 100
words) that describes your venture and that can be pasted into the
programs of conferences and added to the bottom of your press
releases. This one-paragraph summary should be consistent with the
longer form of your Elevator Pitch.
As your venture grows and you reach the point where you have
something to sell, you will need to develop a tagline; a short
description of what you do and the value you deliver. Of course,
this tagline should be consistent with and reinforce the key
messages that are contained in your Elevator Pitch.